Scientific Directions

Scientific Directions

national and European research projects

Perception of trust

Scientific, organizational and editorial co-coordinator of the experimental survey on the impact of the perception of trust towards institutions, companies and the territory: the Abruzzo case, October 2020, carried out by the Hubruzzo Foundation, G. D’Annunzio University and Umana Analytics Spin-Off of the D’Annunzio University.

Research Life Natura Road Signs Production and Efficiency

Scientific co-director of Research Life Natura Road Signs Production and Efficiency, (LIFE17NAT / IT / 464). 2020. Multidisciplinary and multimetodological research aimed at identifying persuasive and effective messages, in different cultural contexts (Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania) through: a) Eyetracking Analysis; b) EEG Electroencephalogram, c) Interviews and questionnaires. In particular, social communication messages were tested aimed at persuading drivers of cars and motorcycles to slow down in the streets where the passage of protected animals is more frequent.

100 Innovation Stories Abruzzo

Co-coordinator of the national research project: 100 Innovation Stories Abruzzo. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of Abruzzo excellences in collaboration with the Symbola Foundation and the Hubruzzo Foundation – 2019.

TUR.N. 2.0

Scientific coordinator of the European research project TUR.N. 2.0 (acronym for Tourism and Networking 2.0), funded by the European Union ERDF. As part of this project as well as having published a research of an empirical nature has also created, along with other researchers, the conceptual model of Software Turn. 2.0 (Tourism and Networking). The model was described within the 2014 publication shared by all authors and entitled Tur.n. 2.0.

Terzo Incluso

Scientific Co-coordinator of the European research project TERZO INCLUSO funded by the European Union Funds Fesr. 2014. Coordination of researchers from the Foundation for Subsidiarity and researchers from the Department of Economic-Quantitative and Philosophical-Educational Sciences of the University of Studies G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara. The project has been developed through research actions and the transfer of results from these in actions of experimental development. The strategic objective was to encourage the structured organization of the actors that animate the Abruzzo “social economy”, bringing out the economic and social value that they represent for the territory.

Corporate Networks

Coordinator of the national research project financed by Fesr European funds that allowed the publication (in Italian and English) entitled L’organizzazione relazionale. Business networks and entrepreneurial communities: good practices between innovation, internationalization and sustainability. 2012.

Terre del Cerrano tourism communication

Scientific co-director of the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Terre del Cerrano tourist system. Proposal of innovative models of valorization calibrated on the ideal positioning of the macro territory – research commissioned by CISPEL in 2006.